Thursday, October 8, 2009
Day to Day
Well as happy as I am to have Seven doing well I also have other things not so great to think about. Steve does not have a job and so we are living off of my income right now. I have been selling things I don't need to create some income to help out. It has at least been working pretty well. I finally sold a rabbit I need to move out, and I had hoped that I had another one sold but it turns out that isn't what happened. The people some of my friends were in contact with can't be reached. They maybe had something happen. I will advertise her on some of the groups and try to take her with me to SAFF the end of the month. Steve has a few ideas as of now to get some income flowing and we have to enlist the help of a friend to get started. They have both worked on building flatscreen boxes for Cowboy Church and we had the idea to build tack boxes and bit boxes and sell them. The local tack shop has agreed to showcase the items for us to help us get started. He is hoping to get together with Larry this weekend and maybe build one to get going and be able to buy some tools to be able to build them at home. Once they get one complete I will post a photo on here. If you are interested in the rabbit for sale she is a sable point pearl Giant/French cross angora. Her photo is the one you see at the top of my blog. Asking $85 with pedigree and $50 without pedigree. She is 10 months old but has never been bred. Her fiber output is good. Email me if you are interested in her and I can deliver her at SAFF.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Well after reading some articles that were interviewing Harry I decided to experiment with the round pen technique. So back to the round pen we went. I left Seven's halter on and turned him loose and as usual he just stood at the gate. I decided to use my stick and tied a plastic bag on the end. Every time Seven would lose his interest and his attention was drawn elsewhere I made noise with the bag and stick. At first it took a bit to get his attention back to me. He just stood there looking at me and I left him alone. Then he decided to move and when he decided to leave I helped him. When he stopped he turned and faced me I was quiet. You could see his attention being drawn away with the flick of an ear and then his eye. He mostly just stood there but when he chose to leave I would help him leave quicker. Steve was watching and said by the end I shook the bag 45 times. This was about a 20 minute session. As it drew to a close you could see Seven wondering what the answer was. I could keep his attention longer and longer. Finally he walked up and stood by me. Yay!!! Good boy Seven!!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
New way of thinking
Well it might also be a new way of being. Steve had told me last week that my horse was a pansy and so was I. Great words of encouragement huh?? He said I was afraid of hurting Seven's feelings. So I would do things softly to get him to perform the tasks that I asked him. It worked but I soon found out that Steve was right! Harry's clinic helped get me to see this. Seven will do things for me with the outcome being he gets a cookie, this isn't wrong but it isn't good for respect or seeing me as a leader. He would be slow and sluggish and it would just be a trick for a treat. It looked like he was focused on me but really he was thinking about how he could get the cookie and not really thinking about me at all. So, into the round pen we went and got some new communication going. Now at Harry's clinic I so thought he was telling the people to be too rough. I mean kicking your horse isn't really what parelli teaches but it is the same principle. I saw Linda whack a horse in the nose pretty hard because he wasn't paying attention to her! Same thing with Harry's teaching. If you don't get the response you want when you ask for something softly the consequences are you will get bopped!! This actually got the horse's attention back to thinking about what you are asking. A "wake-up!!" Then he went back to being soft again. The horses caught on pretty quick!! Harry's students didn't really use a stick or lead rope to ride so all the have are their hands and legs to ask with. You could use a lead rope to help you but you just smacked yourself to cause a sound. It was always on your leg. Harry also was good at getting his life up. So that is my new way of thinking. Get my life up and I hope with some experimenting that this will work. Seven didn't know what to make of me yesterday as we started to communicate in this different way. Steve got in and helped and we eventually got Seven to chose to be with us. He also had me watch him with his horse and as that happened and Seven was in the field I must have been pretty interesting to him because he came over and stood with me. I figured he would have not wanted anything to do with me. Or was he thinking he would get a cookie???
Harry Whitney
Well I have a lot to put into words! Harry Whitney. What a nice guy!! Made me feel right at home and so did Ronnie Moyer! A great time of fellowship, meeting new people and sharing thoughts!! Ronnie did a great job of combining one's walk with the Lord to one's walk with the horse. Great analogies to how the horse thinks the way he does just not as extravagant as the human. The biggest thing I ended up with was the way we want our horses to be with us is the same way God wants us to be with him. I had a dream on Sunday morning about that and it changed my perspective. I was confused about it and God straightened it right out. Horses do not have bad motives about people, they either are thinking about you or they are not! You just have to figure out the way to keep them thinking more on you and less about other things. It doesn't mean that their minds can't wander but when it does do you know how to get it back?? God explained it to me as "a safe place". God is my safe place. So you should be your horse's safe place. He should look to you for wisdom and guidance just as you should look to God for those things. Now in either case it doesn't happen all the time does it?? You aren't always hooked up to God and your horse isn't always hooked up to you. Even though you can take God with you, do you make choices that he wants you to make?? Your horse is the same way. he makes choices that you either like or dislike. When you make a wrong chioce there are consequences to what you chose, especially if it isn't good. Same with the horse, he has to face the consequences of his choices. Soon both learn to make better choices. Since I was just there for Saturday I missed out on the beginnings but got to see the endings. Everybody turned out alright. Got to meet Eden and that was great!! Hi Eden!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Horse Play
I titled this "horse play" because after getting home from a day of "work" I want to "play". Well I am quite frustrated but not at my horse. He did good. I learned some more things. I am frustrated on the other hand at my hubby. Not so good. Steve (hubby) thinks I let my horse get away with too much. OK, so Seven's a LBI with RBI tendancies and he throws temper tantrums to try to get away with some things. In talking to a parelli friend who I go to for help, her horse does the same things. She ignores the tantrums. Works. That is what I did without knowing it. so to let you in on the fun, Monday I played on the playground with Seven and did it alone, no other horses. That was not what Seven had in mind. He wanted to go back to the barn! We stayed out, I was playing touch it with him going from barrel to barrel. We did one and when I asked to go away from the barn he reared straight up! He knew what he was doing, thus a tantrum. He wasn't scared. As soon as he was back on all four feet I disengaged his hindquarters. Both sides and then asked him to back up. He did so without rearing again. Then we stood and he licked his lips but he also wanted to come in to me and I said no way! Stay out there! As soon as he quit trying to some in I let him. That was Monday. Tuesday we had some emotional issues about the barn but i actually got him focused on the touch it game. He did exceptional. I used treats to help him and at the end he wasn't evening thinking about the barn, which was the goal I needed to reach. I wanted his attention on me. Is that too much to ask?? Steve said he wouldn't have used treats till the end. Well you have to give them a reason to go there, I said. You can't use treats with Steve's horse because he gets all over you and cares less about the game. He's a "give me the treats and nobody gets hurt" kinda guy.
After I got Seven focused, we did sideways over a log (well half a log) but you gotta start somewhere. Steve said Seven was trying to kick the log out of the way. But he couldn't so he had to go sideways which he accomplished. Goal. Monday he actually offered me alot on his own even though we had a tantrum. We did figure 8, backing, and sideways over a pole away from the fence. (half a pole) The log is close to the fence so he can't go forward. Helps with his confidence but I have to judge that better cause it could be causing claustrophobia. I didn't even try to ride him Monday but we got to Tuesday! He still wanted to be at the barn but he wasn't that bad. We did some circling game to help the saddle settle in. Now all I have to do is point and he knows what I want which is huge since we don't play consistantly. but he sometimes stops behind my back and I don't know why. Steve says it's disrespect and I should face him the entire circle. I say he needs to be responsible. When he stops I flick my stick and string behind my back and he starts going again and I don't let him stop till I ask for the hindquarter yield. I think I'm doing this right. I did notice something interesting, when I use my stick I sometimes am too harsh. Like if I want to turn Seven around, (falling leaf) I would shake my stick to tell him to turn and go the other way. Well at first he would stop hard and throw up his head. Then I experimented and just put the stick in front of his eye real slow and he just turned and went real smooth. Still kinda looking at the stick but if I can get it refined it would be better. Well our ride was short because I did alot of flexing. He can be kinda rude and snatch the rein back so I worked on him leaving his head at my stirrup even after I gave him the rein back. I asked Steve to give feedback and am wondering if I should do that again! He was so negative and I told him so. But he needs to stop comparing and just take things from the one horse. I also told him I am not going to meet any standard he sets up for me in his head. I am looking thru Seven's eyes in how I can get him to want to do what I ask him and not be made to do it. That is the ultimate goal. I want my horse to be happy to be with me!
I titled this "horse play" because after getting home from a day of "work" I want to "play". Well I am quite frustrated but not at my horse. He did good. I learned some more things. I am frustrated on the other hand at my hubby. Not so good. Steve (hubby) thinks I let my horse get away with too much. OK, so Seven's a LBI with RBI tendancies and he throws temper tantrums to try to get away with some things. In talking to a parelli friend who I go to for help, her horse does the same things. She ignores the tantrums. Works. That is what I did without knowing it. so to let you in on the fun, Monday I played on the playground with Seven and did it alone, no other horses. That was not what Seven had in mind. He wanted to go back to the barn! We stayed out, I was playing touch it with him going from barrel to barrel. We did one and when I asked to go away from the barn he reared straight up! He knew what he was doing, thus a tantrum. He wasn't scared. As soon as he was back on all four feet I disengaged his hindquarters. Both sides and then asked him to back up. He did so without rearing again. Then we stood and he licked his lips but he also wanted to come in to me and I said no way! Stay out there! As soon as he quit trying to some in I let him. That was Monday. Tuesday we had some emotional issues about the barn but i actually got him focused on the touch it game. He did exceptional. I used treats to help him and at the end he wasn't evening thinking about the barn, which was the goal I needed to reach. I wanted his attention on me. Is that too much to ask?? Steve said he wouldn't have used treats till the end. Well you have to give them a reason to go there, I said. You can't use treats with Steve's horse because he gets all over you and cares less about the game. He's a "give me the treats and nobody gets hurt" kinda guy.
After I got Seven focused, we did sideways over a log (well half a log) but you gotta start somewhere. Steve said Seven was trying to kick the log out of the way. But he couldn't so he had to go sideways which he accomplished. Goal. Monday he actually offered me alot on his own even though we had a tantrum. We did figure 8, backing, and sideways over a pole away from the fence. (half a pole) The log is close to the fence so he can't go forward. Helps with his confidence but I have to judge that better cause it could be causing claustrophobia. I didn't even try to ride him Monday but we got to Tuesday! He still wanted to be at the barn but he wasn't that bad. We did some circling game to help the saddle settle in. Now all I have to do is point and he knows what I want which is huge since we don't play consistantly. but he sometimes stops behind my back and I don't know why. Steve says it's disrespect and I should face him the entire circle. I say he needs to be responsible. When he stops I flick my stick and string behind my back and he starts going again and I don't let him stop till I ask for the hindquarter yield. I think I'm doing this right. I did notice something interesting, when I use my stick I sometimes am too harsh. Like if I want to turn Seven around, (falling leaf) I would shake my stick to tell him to turn and go the other way. Well at first he would stop hard and throw up his head. Then I experimented and just put the stick in front of his eye real slow and he just turned and went real smooth. Still kinda looking at the stick but if I can get it refined it would be better. Well our ride was short because I did alot of flexing. He can be kinda rude and snatch the rein back so I worked on him leaving his head at my stirrup even after I gave him the rein back. I asked Steve to give feedback and am wondering if I should do that again! He was so negative and I told him so. But he needs to stop comparing and just take things from the one horse. I also told him I am not going to meet any standard he sets up for me in his head. I am looking thru Seven's eyes in how I can get him to want to do what I ask him and not be made to do it. That is the ultimate goal. I want my horse to be happy to be with me!
Monday, August 31, 2009
I have been borrowing and watching the Liberty and Horse Behavior DVD's from a friend. I thought I would need some of the old Levels to help me out in piecing some things together. I found out that all I need is to watch this series! What awesome information!! Armed with this and your savvy checklist that you get from the website (patterns) you can do everything you need to and just wait for the horse to tell you when he's ready to go on. I am only on DVD 4 from the first group. I think I am going to buy this series so I can watch it over and over when I want. This series is for people so they can read horses better and get the partnership they have always dreamed of! Cool!!! (so I am no longer looking for Level 3)
New spinning batts
I am drum carding some new batts to sell on my artfire store. They are 75%Lincoln and 25% angora rabbit. In white if course. I am just showing them off here and you can go to the artfire store to purchase them. You can buy them by the oz. I hope to spin some as soon as I can get a bit carded for me! My artfire store addy is
Playground photo and others
Here are some photos that I took and couldn't get published on my blog Friday cause I forgot the camera cord. Seven and Simi like to have their picture taken but Sadarian on the other hand would quite well do without it! I am experimenting so hang in there!! I just figured out how to post mulitple photos.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Well I got started improving my natural horse playground. I got my husband to do some mowing in which he has to finish but it is good where the playground is at the moment. It's been hot here but I am going to start playing with the patterns. I have two barrels set up and a bridge, poles, small logs for the figure 8 and weave, and a pole to teach sidepassing with. Seven is not confident with the pole under him so we put one near the fence to try to help him. I will start with just a little bit of the pole and do more as he lets me know it's good. I will try to get a photo of the playground today. I am also going to put some plastic bags on the posts for the touch it game. That should be interesting for all!! Steve is also going to build a pedestal. ( don't know if that is spelled quite right but I hope you get the idea). I am looking to buy a copy of the Level 3 Refinement pack, with the VHS tapes. If I have something you want that I can trade for them that will work too. Email me if you have a copy that you want to relocate!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Well I thought about disabling my account but I decided not to because I can send people there to look at my yarns. Now whether they do or not I don't know but something in me told me to keep on trying! I really need to get some yarn sold and grow a following. I do have one customer and she likes my handspun and knits and crochets beautiful things. She is talking about buying the mohair yarn for a shawl. Selling my wares keeps me inspired to spin and then again the fiber does a good job of that! If anyone would like to see my creations it is on This will take you to my studio/store.
On another note, I watched a movie called "Coraline" last nite and it was the weirdest movie I had seen so far. I need to watch it again. This evening. I think I missed a lot because it was just so weird. It starts at the beginning and if you don't know what's going on you just get confused.
It has also been quite muddy so no playing with Seven at all this week. I did spend some time with him in the barn just playing friendly with my hands. Rubbing him all over and I could rub even under his tail without him getting tight. That was cool!
On another note, I watched a movie called "Coraline" last nite and it was the weirdest movie I had seen so far. I need to watch it again. This evening. I think I missed a lot because it was just so weird. It starts at the beginning and if you don't know what's going on you just get confused.
It has also been quite muddy so no playing with Seven at all this week. I did spend some time with him in the barn just playing friendly with my hands. Rubbing him all over and I could rub even under his tail without him getting tight. That was cool!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Yarn for Sale (part 2)
Yarns for Sale
Here are some of my handspun yarns, well actually all I have that I haven't sold or sent to Leslie's shop. Everything is 2 ply sportweight.
White angora 92 yds 5\8 oz $28.40
White angora 64 yds 1\2 oz $18.50
White angora 70 yds 1\2 oz $20.50
Chestnut angora 84 yds 1\2 oz $23.50
Grey alpaca 160 yds 1 oz $35.00
Grey alpaca 150 yds 1 1\4 oz $30.00
Grey alpaca 150 yds 1 1\4 oz $30.00
Black alpaca 90 yds 7\8 oz $22.00
If you see anything you like email me
I accept paypal, checks and MO.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thinking Pink! and other ramblings
OK, I finally got some photos taken. I get to show you the pink yarn I have spun recently. I just have only more ball of roving to get done. Then it's off to Leslie's shop.
Since this is also a blog about my Natural Horsemanship I spent some time with Seven yesterday evening. I have a few things to work on, like saddling. I was just thinking about how he reacted to the saddle and I need to go slower it seems. We did good with playing on the ground but I saddled him before we did that to save time. I shall reverse it this evening and see if it makes a difference. I actually played with obstacles in our playtime and that might have been a bit much as of right now too. We might have to stick with the checklist to give ourselves structure but I don't want to bore him to death either. He is a LBI and learns fast but needs time to digest. We do have the figure 8 pattern real well. He actually looked for the small logs I use to go around. One of the other things, which was a breakthrough, was my yearling decided to come over and watch and he actually let me play friendly game with the stick and string at liberty! That was huge for him! I got to quit before he trotted off too. I also think he was quite pleased with himself.
Just thinking about the saddling, what I noticed was when I lifted the pads, saddle, Seven would turn his head away and act like he wanted to leave. I will try to work on that this evening and approach and retreat till he feels better about it. And also play on the ground first. I may not get the saddle even on and not even get to ride but I want his permission first. I want to let him know that I care about his feelings and I think that will change everything. He loves for me to sit around and pet him and generally just be with him. I got into a zone and had a time frame so I need to "take the time it takes" and wait. I keep forgetting "less is more" with him.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I really need to get up to date on taking some pictures! Today, if it doesn't rain, I hope to play with Seven a bit. I decided that I am going to keep my synthetic saddle and use the reverse wedge under it with a shim also. Fits real well that way and also leaves room for his shoulders to move freely. I am currently spinning pink/blue dyed Border Leichester/Mohair on my wheel. Got two skeins to go and then it's being sent to Leslie's to try and sell it there. Also in this group of roving is pink/white BL/Mohair roving. Two skeins of each color, they are spinning up nicely. I did get to spin on my friend's great wheel last week and it was the best thing I ever did! It was so easy! Angie also got spinning on it and did great. Amanda, who never spins hardly at all, also gave it a try and was amazed on how she could spin a yarn as thin and even as we were!! She was excited!! On the garden note, all this rain has started buggin my tomato plants. Looks like I have blight! Grrrr! I need to get to talking to some people and see what to counter that with. The tomatoes are fist sized but green and I'd hate to lose them. The cukes are doing good so at least I don't have to worry about them. I hope that my one last pearl doe has found a home but I will need to see. I also still have the white buck from Autumn's litter to place because I don't think the gal that wanted him is serious about taking him.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Well alot has happened since my last post. I really need to keep up better with the blog! Last week was the Rockbridge Co Fair and I showed in the fleece show. I won Grand and Reserve with my fleeces and won 2 Firsts and a Second with my yarn. I also did spinning and shearing demos. It was a busy last week. Well this week I had Amanda help me with saddle fitting for Seven. I had gotton two different pads and wanted to see if they would make a difference. Well we played "dress up" with Seven until dark and he was pretty patient with us climbing on and off of him. My english saddle seems to fit the best but we have to pad it up at the front pretty well. If not you feel as if you are tipping forward when you ride. I also have another saddle to try too. Seven decided he wanted a break and it had rained the night we were playing with him so the next day he was all muddy!! He seemed to say "you won't be playing dress up with me tonite!" He was right but I had to meet with a nice lady for spinning lessons so he got his "day off!" Angie lives close to me and I met her thru email and then at the fair and she asked if I would give her some spinning lessons. She is a natural!! I hope to find her getting ready for plying next week. I left her with a drop spindle and lots of alpaca roving to play with. She also has a great wheel and as soon as she can get a small repair done we can play with it!! I've never spun on a great wheel before so it will be fun for both of us. Right now, life is good!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I had posed some questions to a longtime pastor and good friend/mentor and he answered back in such an encouraging way. It just made me tear up!! I had asked him about Discipleship and what it took to be a good disciple for the Lord. I was concerned about how Cowboy Church was in such a hurry and wanted me to just go everywhere and be totally committed to the ministry. It also seemed to be at the expense of something else like jobs and important things. I did what I could but it also seemed there was more I needed to do. I also had problems with doing these things without my husband involved since we are in the ministry together. I was glad and uplifted to hear that the very things that I had been wondering about with the Sr Pastor of Cowboy Church, my friend had also addressed these things with him. To push people to try to accept a vision you have and do it the very way you ought to think it should be done just isn't going to work! Also giving up on people way too soon and moving on to others just isn't right either. Where's the love in that I ask you?? Some things are gradually done and when God says you are ready to go up a level you move up.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Scarf photo
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I decided to knit a scarf with a nicer pattern this time. Had to get help with the pattern before I even started it! I have a friend at work who asked me to knit a scarf for his wife. He chose the yarn, nice handspun alpaca and I set to work on knitting. Hope it is finished soon!! I will post a photo as soon as I remember to take the camera to work!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
It seems that I always have questions on whether I am following God's will for my life. Also questions pertaining to others on God's will for theirs. The Cowboy church ministry I am semi-involved in, (long story) has asked for prayer because of spiritual attack within the finances and family of the Senior pastor. I received an email stating that their family is experiencing sickness in a strong way. (hospitalization) They have been in financial lack for a bit though. My question is, is this a spiritual attack because they are following the will of God or are they not following the will of God??? Satan doesn't like anything that they are doing so it could easily be said that he is trying to make things difficult for them. On the other hand, if they are not to be going forward with some of the decisions they have made, then it could be they brought the attack on themselves. Sometimes you open doors that you should have left shut. Getting ahead of God isn't a very wise thing to do. Patience is a virtue. Not getting enough information to know how to pray in a situation doesn't help either. I actually feel that they need to go back and shut the door!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
More angora yarn
I have started spinning Autumn's fiber that I so jealously kept all to myself. I have 7 ozs to spin and am now working on just one ounce with my drop spindle. Isn't it fantastic!! This is her hindquarter wool, but I'm hoping to get more color spun up out of her blanket wool on the next ounce. I hope to get a decent amount of yarn from this ounce. I have spun just about 300 yds to the ounce and hope to get that much from hers. I wonder how I'm going to get all that on here???
Monday, June 1, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
New buzz cut



This is Dark Starz Matrix bred by Sally Campbell. He is 62% German and the rest French angora. I have been wanting to show him off and since he is gotten his buzz cut you can see his best feature. His butt!! Actually everything about him is fabulous. He is 6 months old and weighs 8.9 lbs, he sheared off 8.75 ozs of fiber yesterday. He's the stud of the barn!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Drop Spindling
New Blog Account
I have set up a new blog account because I think they made changes to the old blog account and I can't post photos there anymore. Geocities is going to be changed over anyway so I just decided to have just a blog. My webpage and old blog will be cancelled and this one will take it's place. Hope you like it!!
I have set up a new blog account because I think they made changes to the old blog account and I can't post photos there anymore. Geocities is going to be changed over anyway so I just decided to have just a blog. My webpage and old blog will be cancelled and this one will take it's place. Hope you like it!!
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